Learn@Lunch: Top 3 Ways Leaders Sabotage Relationships

Learn@Lunch is a quick and easy way to get education and networking with little interruption to your work week meet with your peers and hear from a thought leader on an important topic. LUNCH IS PROVIDED (Includes 1 CAE hour).

Top Three Ways Leaders Unknowingly Sabotage Relationships in Times of Stress, and What to Do About It!

Most leaders don’t identify the signs that they are eroding or possibly even actively destroying their relationships at work… even when they are trying to do their best. We’ve all seen that the unprecedented stressors in today’s workplace are exacerbating already strained emotional intelligence and social skills of leaders and their teams. But what if 90% of the strain and dysfunction between people was due to a lack of simple, powerful information? What if we could pull back the veil of confusion when it comes to strained relationships and quickly, powerfully reset positive working relationships? Understanding the science of stress and how trust and positive relationships are eroded and built will put you back in the driver’s seat, and on the path of building and maintaining joyful relationships!

10/12/2023 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM
Texas Association of School Boards Offices 12007 Research Blvd Austin, TX 78759 UNITED STATES


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